What Classes Should I Take Senior Year?

If you are getting ready to apply for college, what classes you take can make all the difference! When you start filling out your college applications, admissions counselors will definitely be looking to see what classes you took. The question then becomes: what classes are the best bet to getting that big acceptance letter? The…

The Truth about Partying in College

If you seek something out, you're going to find it. College is the definition of freedom for teenagers. For some people it's their first time away from home, and it can be a lot to adjust to. The tricky part is that newfound freedom comes hand-in-hand with developing a sense of responsibility. When you go…

Audition Day Routine #GetReadyWithMe

If you are getting ready to go off on your college auditions, you might be filled to the brim with stress and worry. I definitely was, but I found a lot of great de-stressing relaxation tips along the way. At first I was going to make this just a morning routine post, but I wanted to include…

How to Prepare the Summer before College

The summer leading up to your first year of college can be super stressful, but I'm going to give you some tips for how to ease your worries and make sure you're as prepared as possible for this huge transition! Facebook Pages & Group Chats I know this was a huge deal for me when…

How to get into Music School

I have spent my entire life waist-deep in various musical experiences, but the college application process was tougher than anything else I've ever gone through. To help all you aspiring music majors, here are my top 5 steps for getting into college. Before you start... Before you ever start looking at colleges, it's important to think…